North Carolina is beautiful in the late summer. The nights are getting cooler. In the upper elevations the leaves are starting to change. even in my own yard, i am reminded to hold onto those green summer days, as i can see the hints of gold and orange flowing from my oaks. in the 4 months i have been here now my passion for nature and connection with Gaia has grown stronger than i could have ever possibly imagined. my entire exsistence here is consumed by the ground beneath me. i didnt think it possible to love the universe more. i. am. still. learning.
every morning hummingbirds come to visit my front porch. they play in between my colored hanging bottles. it is quite a sight to see these little creatures zooming around and around bottles. they have created their own race track/obstacle course. i also have the most brilliant butterflies imaginable. GIANT. all black with yellow spots, solid yellow and these dark iridescent blue ones with enormous wings. every once in a while i will see gigantic solid white ones too. in the early summer up in the mountains near the creeks on the rocks you will find groves and swarms of these beautiful creatures. they have no fear of you at all. one day i went and sat on a rock with my feet in the water and they just landed all over and around me. your almost scared to breath in fear that the moment might end.
the wildlife is frolicking in the cool summer nights. almost any night that you go out, you will see animals everywhere. owls, what i believe to be foxes or very young wolves, deer, and even cougars. im not sure what they are exactly because i am not familiar with what we have in this region, but they are either, cougar or bobcats. I live only a couple miles from pisgah national forest, so i have a huge variety of critters running around. last week i spotted a huge white owl. the wingspan had to be close to six feet. they are not common here, but they do migrate. from my understanding they are prevelant in canada, but as the weather starts to cool in the mountains, people do spot these glorious beasts in our area. i have only glanced one bear. he was gone as quick as he came. teenage bears are a little akward looking because they havent fully developed into their full physique. i honestly was scared and didnt know what it was. we have beavers, woodchucks, and ground hogs everywhere you turn....and bunnies, bunnies and more bunnies. i live in a bird sanctuary so i could not count the varieties of birds if i had the ability to. gigantic moths, which i am fascinated with outside my side patio. they are honestly about the size of a sparrow (some bigger) and are bright yellow and others are pale blue. they are so huge their heads almost look like an owls head. sometimes i feel like i am living in a truly magickal (and psychadelic) forest. but as these magickal days and nights slowly fade, into the earths early slumber (autumn) i will welcome and treasure finally being in the full circle of life. being one with the four seasons. walking the path of my ancestors. Namaste.