Winter is here...Peaceful solitude. I love the winter. the beauty of first snowfall, seeing the mountains naked without leaves on the trees that normally hide secret treasures along the floors of these old hills. Spectacular balds are revealed, mountain spring creeks, waterfalls and coves. secret swimming holes iced over. mysterious caves that you may have driven by a thousand times and never saw. Massive old grove trees that are well hidden in the spring and summer. I like to imagine when i find these trees that once upon a time our ancestors gathered around them to commune with nature when this land was still a wild frontier. I imagine the wonder they must have experienced walking the land. I wonder if it was the same excitement i feel. I connect more and more on a daily basis. My heart is at peace in these sacred mountains.
I have a growing anticipation for spring already. Im moving into a mountainous rural area about 20 miles west of Asheville. This was a decision made after long contemplation. A series of events that placed me exactly where i want to be. For once i followed the signs and went with the flow instead of treading lightly i jumped, head first. Surrendered to worry and doubt and allowed my inner child to be impulsive. I didnt weigh my options or make a list of doubts and compare them to the advantages. i jumped. Im looking forward to the solitude. Exploring deeper. Im looking forward to the bond that connects us as one to the land, the air and a community with strong roots. I am moving onto a farm that the family that owns a vast majority of the area has been there since before this area was developed or named or even had roads. The Matriarch of this family was born on the very land she will die on, and has resided here for 85 years. 85 years! and before that her mother and grandmother were born on this same land. A true family homestead that i have been blessed to share with them. I am grateful for this. What an honor.
I anticipate the arrival of the warmer weather to explore this new terrain. to become wild with the wild. I look forward to becoming one with the mossy oaks and cascading spring creeks. exploring real abandoned homesteads, not the ones that are on the beaten path that the state has purchased and turned into tourist traps. The ones high upon a mountain bald that have no roads that you can comfortably drive up onto. The homesteads that have been forgotten that require the journey of a long hike to be rewarded with a jewel of the past. A part of real history. the history that hasnt been buffed and shined by the media. Raw life. Real life. Love, pain, struggle, survival. I am excited to be deeper into the mountains cradle. Living in the Great Smokey Mountains. Sacred land. Land where the Elk and mountain lion once roamed and according to some still do. some of the elders still talk of the "painters" or in other words panthers, mountain lions. i have been told by many that these supposed cats, are still here indeed. a secret kept by locals that have lived in these parts for generations in order to preserve them to their native land without being completely diminished by hunters. I always wondered why on earth they have a law that protects these animals and makes it illegal for them to be hunted when they supposedly dont exist...why would you protect something that doesnt exist? that would be like putting up a protection act for elephants in NYC?? Of course they exist. in this vast land of areas still unexplored it is impossible to believe that every single one of these animals were hunted out. these animals are smarter than we are. they were here and thrived before we came here. Understandably i can appreciate why the false rumors were circulated. first and foremost for tourists. it would either drive away tourists or irresponsibly put them in harms way, when you have some not so wise city person trying to lure a mountain lion for pictures and then become lunch....we see it happen every year with the bears. there will undoubtedly be a case somewhere on the Blue Ridge Parkway where some tourist will lure a bear with food, get injured and then the animal has to be euthanized because of laws. maybe we should reverse the law, in order to protect the bears??? i mean really people, lets be smart. you dont feed wild animals, ever. period. especially one that can kill you easily. this reminds me of a quote by Aldo Leopold "We abuse the land because we regard it as a community belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect" These animals are a part of this land and should be respected.
New friendships, new connections, new land and rekindled connection to sacred soil are all being prepared by the Spring soil of my life. This is all being nourished by the winter slumber of my new reality. growing like the seeds hidden deep in the dirt anticipating the return of the sun.
I leave this post with lyrics of a song i relate to especially in this time
Witches Rune
Darksome Night and Shining Moon
Balance of the dark and light,
hearken ye our Witch's Rune,
as we perform our sacred rite!
With earth and water, air and fire,
by blade and bowl and circle round,
we come to you with our desire:
let all that is hidden now be found!
With censor, candle, book and sword,
and ringing of the altar bell,
we tie a knot within our cord
to bind our magic in a spell.
Mother of the summer fields,
goddess of the silver moon,
join with us as power builds!
dance with us our witch's rune!
Father of the Summer dew
Hunter of the winter snows
With open arms we welcome you!
Dance with us as power grows!
By all the light of moon and sun,
by all the might of land and sea,
chant the rune and it is done.
As we will, so mote it be!
Hey Jenn!!! Welcome to theBlogosphere! XO
Hey Liz! i have been on here for about 2 years now, but just became active! Thank you xoxoxoxox
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