Sunday, October 14, 2012

Soul in the woods

Most days Im not sure what Im doing.  Why anything even matters.  I just go with the wind.  Its who I am.  Constantly wandering.  Unlike my star sign that would have anyone believe, I need to be in place.  I dont, but I do.  Its like my soul is haunted.  Im not sure what its haunted from, but I suppose that is why Im here to figure that out.  I have a constant need in me for more.  Always more.  i wander deep into these woods and mountains.  Im quiet there and i can be exactly who I am.  I dont have to apologize, I dont have to be the way anyone wants me to be.  My hair can be wild as it is unruly in nature, my eyes can be deep and my hands can touch what they want to touch. I am a nurturer. It is part of my soul to want to touch and heal.  Another part of who I am.  I dont have to be tame and hide these things in the woods.  The animals come to me in the woods.  They always have.  They dont fear me or i them.  The fairies seem to protect me and guide me.  I find places that nobody ever knows about. I collect things from the woods and I leave pieces of me everywhere.  There are signs of me all over these hills and no one would ever know.  There are times that i think because of my ancestors in these mountains is why I wander freely.  I am these mountains.  It is my blood right.  I do not belong to a "nation" i belong of this land.  Today i climbed to a peak, it was cold and windy up so high.  I sat there for quite sometime allowing the wind and cold to become me.  I feel as if its a type of cleansing when I do this.  Not the typical sage, cedar or sweetgrass that most have been taught to use, but allowing what the sky mother says to you on her breath, the wind, to soothe your soul and cleanse the pain away with.  It is not what Ive been taught by a book, its what has been shown to my soul.  I do not teach, I do not believe in ego.  I do not speak of these things.  They are not words that can be spoken.  I simpy am.  I simply live.  I simply become and one day I will simply go back into these mountains where I belong to.  Where my soul has married the ground that I tread on.  Where my heart gave birth to a magnificent tree that reaches down with her hands to touch the earth where her true mother lies.  I am the soul of the woods.  i am true to who I am.  I do not deny my heart of anything.  Its not how my soul is wired to this existence on this land, in this life.  My job is to feel and love.  To experience every joy and pain and allow it to cut through everything that consumes me and dig into my soul, until it has become my very being~

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